Acrylic 20" x 24" $800

Oil 11" x 14" $300

Acrylic 18" x 24" NFS

Acrylic 20" x 24" $800

Follow the Movement of Light
By Award Winning Artist
Sally V. Parker
From landscapes to cityscapes, still life to marine paintings, this Southern Maryland artist engages the viewer with her technique of studied development.
The movement of light through each composition is elaborated to engender feelings of tranquility, lightness and beauty.
As a child, Sally and her friends explored the beauty of the woods, streams, and riverbanks of Southern Maryland. She considered drawing and painting to be as magical and rewarding as those woodland adventures.
Sally studied drawing and painting at St. Mary's College of Maryland, and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in painting and drawing from the University of Maryland in 1979. Soon after she studied sculpture with the Art League at the Torpedo Factory.
She also had an interest in anthropology, having accrued many credits in this field during her undergraduate studies. Art and anthropology led her to a career at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History from 1984 to1998, working in exhibit production, illustration, calligraphy, exhibit installation, design, and becoming supervisor of the Office of Exhibit Graphics in 1994. She left the Smithsonian in 1998 to enroll in a Master of Painting graduate school program at the George Washington University in which she received her degree in May 2001.
Sally uses nature's variety and beauty to provide her with an infinite supply of subject matter. She paints regularly en plein air (painting in outdoor light), with a group of enthusiastic collegues. Her membership in two art leagues provides a knowledgeable and supportive network of artists, friends, and patrons. She continues to find it amazing that a mark made by an artist can stir so many different human emotions! She considers it a great privilege to have the opportunity to observe the play of light and to interpret it in her art.